Sunday Morning, Coming Down
July 26, 2015
Ah, the day of rest at the end of another one of our “slow” weeks this summer. The last six days have been pretty easy-going, you know, just two rehearsals, a recording session, and three gigs that culminated in last night’s Neil Young tribute featuring a baker’s dozen players and a megaton of fun.
So much for my notion that July would be not so busy.
On Monday, I got home in time for a low-key rehearsal for the Neil Young deal. The core band consisted of the TL3 along with our long-time cohort Greg Horne. Adam and Serrenna McNulty from Guy Marshall were a big part of the first of two sets, while GM guitarist Eric Griffin joined in on several tunes as well. The perpetually cheerful Chris Durman (aka “Smiley”) played acoustic guitar and harmonica too.
We’ve just recently gotten to know the McNulties and Eric, and it has been a treat. I’ve pointed out before that I’m a big fan of their band (go check out their debut full-length Depression Blues), and is often the case the folks are as cool as their music.
It was a good run-through of the songs and an excellent hang.